Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth

Egyptologisch Genootschap Koningin Elisabeth

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From 2023, the magazine Chronique d'Égypte will be distributed by UitgeverijPeeters

The public price of the annual subscription is €100 + postage + VAT.

Membresof the Society enjoy a preferential rate of €80 + postage + VAT.

Reorders via Peeters

Single issues:
• 1-20 (except: 1, 3, 5, 7) - €20 per fasc.
• 21 and following (except: 63-68) - €40 per fasc.
• Index: I-X - €10
• Index: XI-XXXV - €10
• Index: XXXVI-L - €10

Digital subscription

Brepols Periodica Onlineprovides electronic access to all published issues of the journal.